This statement is sure to stir things up but I believe the advantage of ejectors is minimal to nonexistent. I use a Merkal 140 9.3 with ejectors and a old English .470 with non ejectors. When allowing for the slightly slower recovery time between shots with the heavier caliber .470 non ejector, the time for a reload is very close between the two rifles. The only time the ejector DR has a clear advantage is when you want to reload one barrel, not both, especially when on the run! I find the ease with which the non ejector DR opens almost counters the speed of ejectors. To take this one step further I would not hesitate in using a hammer non ejector when up against dangerous game, but then again this is a system that I have used for close to 50 years. Purchase the DR that suits you, then practice with her, you will be well pleased I am sure, |