What I find distressing is that the auction house does not mention one word in the description that the only thing that is Atkin's is a set of tubes and that the balance of what you are getting is a $200 Simson/BSW shotgun in only so-so condition.
Lauritz.com is an auctionhouse located many different places around Denmark. Today I heard that, that particular gun was actually tried to be sold here close to us in Helsingør( read town of Shakespears Hamlet)..but they rejected it, because the seller apparently wanted to have that gun sold as a "Henry Atkin" doublerifle. The seller has pushed his luck, and founded an auctionhouse that "went for it".. . It is false advertizing, and must likely I am sure the transaction will go back. A set of old barrels is something like those is maybe £500 on an 100£ action.