Hello Again: 404Bearslayer: welcome to my little kettle of stinky fish. Let's add some more fish heads to the mix. 500 Nitro and 404Bearslayer: Went and yanked off the scope today and what to my surprise did I find; loose srews holding the rings to the bases, CRAP! But that's not all; I take a look down the barrels to look at my sights, and, I cant see the rear sight because the bases are in the way. CRAP x 2! Compound this by the fact that the Zeiss Conquest weighs a ton. Sooooooo, I broke down and today I finally ordered the Leupold scout scope. 2.5 power, long eye relief, light. Now I need to find a new rear and front sight to replace the original sights so I can see over the bases. Any suggestions regarding new front and rear sight? I had a moment of weakness this morning when I was perusing the Cabela's gun library and saw that very nice Sabatti 9.3 x 74 R DR, colour case hardening, engraving with game scenes. I thought I could sell the Antonio Zoli, buy the Sabatti and put a few bucks in my pocket. Then I picked up the Zoli and said to myself, I can't give up on this beauty. So, stay tuned. The pot continues to boil, the smell gets stronger and I continue to stir. Comments, questions and concerns always welcome Kindest regards, Carpediem |