BONANZA , It seems nobody is going to answer your question, so I'll give it a go! I own a couple of Merkels, and they are usually very tight when new, and seem hard to open and close. This is normal for a new double, and is not a worry, and will loosen up with use! The first thing you need to do with a new Double rifle is clean all the factory oil off the surfaces, and out of the bore, and chambers before fireing it! Do this by simply wipeing it off, and swabbing the bore out! The products you need for the care and feeding of a double rifle are: plain old Hoppi's No9 solvent, a can of Rem oil, a jar of vasaline, and in the case of Case colored action like the Merkels, a small bottle of case color varnish, which you won't need for some time. The rifle should be wiped down after every session on the range, or handleing, to avoid finger rust. The Rem oil should not be sprayed dirrectly on the action, but applied lightly by spraying a little on a soft rag, and on a lightly oiled patch through the bore before storing. The Vasaline is applied to the clean sides, and hook/henge pin area of the lumps, and is the only lub that should always be on the rifle when either stored, or in use. The vasaline should be replaced every time after a use. wipe the old off, and re-apply, every time! The Vasaline is very important, because of all the rifles that "SHOOT OFF FACE" most are caused by wear in the hook/hengepin, and lump engagement area, not from over loads. There is a reason all those old OAK & LEATHER cases had a Vasaline jar as part of the things that came with the rifle. Hope any of this helps you get off on the right foot! What chambering did you get in your new Merkel? If you have any other questions on the double rifle, I will do what I can to help, either on forum, or by E-mail! There are many here, and at ACCURATE RELOADING, who have lots of experience with doubles, both rifles, as well as fine shotguns, that will be willing to help! Welcome to the wacky world of double rifles! |