I don't think there is a smilie for frustration and anxiety, but I need one. The more research I do on doubles the worse it becomes. What can y'all tell me about the information I'm getting about Merkels coming loose after not many shots? I have heard it and read it enough times in the last week for it to be a bit off putting. Given that they are similar money, how do the Searcy doubles stack up against a Merkel (damn you Butch Searcy for not making the Field Grade any more) I may have found a 2nd hand Searcy for sale in Oz, but I have misgivings about buying a 2nd hand double, given that it's not hard to damage one. The chappy at Granite Arms has been very helpful, but the first thing he told me when I rang him was that Merkel will not honour their warranty if you use reloads. WTF Do you spend a good wad of cash on a couple of hundred factory rounds and hope that any thing that is going to go wrong will do so in those first couple of hundred rounds, or reload from the start and hope nothing goes wrong. My money tree never grew so I have to sell about 6 rifles that have been hibernating in my safe to buy this damn thing, don't want to sell them but if I want I double......bye bye. Any words of wisdom. CF |