We all believed you guys were screwed back when they confiscated guns a few years ago. Do not sit back and wait for somebody else to do it. Make friends with a legislator and start NOW working on legislation. We sat on our asses and did nothing with the Endangered Species Act and it, exactly like your gun legislation, is destroying us, and will creep into every aspect of hunting. Here, hunters in "unaffected" States sit back and act sophisticated, and wrinkle their foreheads at our problems here, or worse yet, support the government in its actions with wolves, etc, little knowing that the flood of ESA-inspired actions are coming their way, little by little. Hunters and gunowners are some of the least politically sophisticated and biggest simpleton idiots on Planet Earth. Some don't like bowhunting, or big rifle calibers, or this or that style of hunting {hounds, etc} and they throw rocks at each other, and all the while the enviro/anti-gun {yes, they ARE the same} movement smiles and keeps chugging along. Divide And Conquer is alive and well, and jackasses among us are hee-hawing the hunting and gunowning public right into oblivion. Ozzies, get involved! Support your gun party, write legislation, take some of your gun money and give it to the cause, stand up in work and speak out. If you live in an unaffected State, SO WHAT, SPEAK OUT IN SUPPORT OF YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE AFFECTED STATES. Resist! |