Quote:Quote: There is no insult in that post - "GREAT" was used in the context that this means there is some proof that is easily accessible - so lets have it. 1/. You have insulted several posters here including myself, but I see in your eyes you are allowed to do this as you believe you are "all knowing", yet you seem to lack normal ballistics nomenclature knowledge? 2/. - No one is allowed to question your OPINIONS and opinions they are until there is proof - yet you maintain that if anyhone questions your opinions it is a personal insult against you. Your and your opinions may fact or based on fact at this time - but only to you. 3/. If OSR doesn't happen at the breech, why would it happen at the muzzle as by that time the bullet is already engraved and fitting the bore? 4/. If this expansion isn't happening at the breech, but the bullet still isn't engraving, the pressures would be over the top. This is common sense in the world of ballistics. 5/. Does this "pushing rifling lands out through the steel of the barrel" happen with TSX and other bnaded bullets or is it restricted to solid full diameter bullets without bands. 1/ & 2/. are observations 3/. is a question, not an insult 4/. is a question, not an insult 5/. is a question, not an insult |