Look Guys: I'm with Andreas. These two strings got out of hand quite rapidly. On this subject, it seems they always do, and there's no good reason for that. I'll say again, the problems with mono-metal projectiles in double rifles are not specific to Barnes. There are many out there. I DO find statements like this: Quote: ...disturbing in the extreme, because I have painful personal experience to the contrary. It never fails that when this subject periodically arises here or on AR, when I post my first hand experience and observations about it, I get called a liar or worse. That's a particularly nasty insult, when I'm holding a treasured DR of my own in my own hands and know what I can see with my own eyes. It's a real pisser. In that epiphany, how would YOU guys feel about it? I don't have it "in" for anybody. I suppose my view of this issue in double rifles is coloured by the fact that I'm not a wealthy man, and one doesn't just screw off the old tubes and slap new ones on. It's an expensive mistake. My interest is in helping others avoid making the same mistakes that I, and many others have. Being accused of having some other sinister motive doesn't sit well. I don't know how to display it on the internet, but I do know how to show it to someone in person. I make the commitment to have a DR with visible OSR with me at SCI in January. Anyone who doubts the existence of OSR in double rifles is welcome to come by and look at it. In reality, this issue isn't much different from that of many other products. Any given product is appropriate for a given use, but it's just common sense that it may be potentially inappropriate for others. Like steel shot is a potential problem in some shotguns, it's been known for a long time that mono-metal bullets can be a real problem is double rifles. Via PM, I hear that some wonder if I have a professional connection to some bullet-maker. The answer is no. I have no economic or professional connection to any business in the firearms trade. I'm purely an enthusiast. For the purposes of full disclosure, I DO work the Heym AG booth at SCI. Heym picks up my air ticket, but does not otherwise compensate me. All of us at the booth are long time personal friends and double rifle junkies. I've hunted with all of them, and still do. I enjoy SCI, I believe in Heym's product, and much enjoy hanging out with my good friends at the booth. You'll find me there in January. This will be my third year there. |