(.450 member)
14/10/09 01:13 PM
Re: Baikal 45-70 vs 30-06

400; no insult to anyone.

What I stated was and is merely fact.

Your point about me not being a double shooter is relevant to the post I made on behalf of shooters getting in to the double game.

Look at it this way. I bet we agree that most Baikal buyers will be new to doubles. Maybe the Baikal will be the only double they own. They will no doubt be interested in loading for them, and if they are, they might hop to this site and read something about mono bullets and the recommendations some like you and Duggaboy make against their use. They might have had such good success with monos in another caliber that they might call the bullet companies to be sure. And guess what they will be told? Barnes will tell them, like the technician told me again today, that Barnes monos are OK for use in doubles. A-Square loads ammo in calibers that are commonly used in "soft tube" barrel guns for crying out loud, so we know what they must think.

Then our hypothetical Baikal Buyer processes the info...

Says he; "Who do I believe? A bullet company that has been making the bullets for years and has their business to lose if they are wrong, or 'some guy on the internet' whose credentials are totally unknown to me"?

And that IS the fact.

I am not saying you and Duggaboy are WRONG about monos. I AM saying that the companies are going to tell our Baikal Buyer something 180 degrees opposite of what you are saying and then the buyer is going to have to make a decision. Bullet Company or 400/Duggaboy?

I happen to think that Duggaboy's broaching of the mono bullet subject was constructive and in fact, the only constructive thing he brought to the discussion, but my point stands: Those who call the bullet makers are going to be told something that they are not being told on this Forum.

As for name calling, he called everyone on the thread who posted before him "you 45-70 crackpots".

I admit I might be a crackpot, but the rest of them I'm pretty sure are sober, sane and civil.

Except for Sarg.

He's a crackpot to be sure. Killing Down Under buff with a .45-70 should get him a straight jacket and a rubber room for sure.

I hope right next to mine, because I want to listen to his in-depth ballistic commentary involving the .45-70 on what MUST be jello-boned, froth-muscled bovines unable to stop a day-old marshmellow, much less a 400-to-500 grain .45 slug at somewhere around 1800 fps.

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