(.400 member)
12/10/09 08:25 AM
Re: Baikal 45-70 vs 30-06

I think that the two schools of small fast bullets and slow thick ones are the problem here, duggaboy att the ,375 end and daryl and 9,3x57 at the other.

But why is a 458 bullet passing thru a body at the same lenght as a 375 so much worse?
I alway thought that a blunt object would be worse then a sharp/smaller one. Some time ago i slipped when trying to bend open a "sealed" air filter and ran a broken off screwdriver some 4-6mm into my left palm, and my god that hurt, i would rather take a knife and run it clean thru any day. My point is that a blunt 458 even at a lower speed should in my book be better of than a thinner one given equal penetration.

So please educate me, why is it so much better with the 375.

btw, a quick look at a powder manufactors web a 300grs bullet at under 28000psi would give 2425fps, thats not bad, but to light for the bore sadly.

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