This falls into the silly world of DR nostalgia. The 30-06 is vastly superior to the 45-70 in every respect. It's like those people who would never own a .375 H&H mag double.
I would chose a 30-06 over a 45-70 for the Baikal and have a rifle that is much more lethal.
I used to have a Merkel .375 H&H and loved it. I only sold it to help fund a .35 WCF H&H double rifle.
I disagree with your first statement, Bonanza - the '06 will NEVER be as lethal and the .45/70 is - our course, that is your opinion, and this is mine. The .30/06 is a better long range platform, of course, for those who don't practise shooting at long ranges with their hunting rifles and out to 300 yards, the .45/70 will, given the appropriate projectile, work just fine, with better performance and faster killing on heavy game than the '06 every dreamed of. I am referring to bison hunting here, where the '06 has shown horrid results of up to 25 min. & 1/2 mile chases to kill with excellent bullets used and perfect shot placement, however blunt cast bullets from Marlins, Sharps and Trapdoors have anchored their buffalo within seconds and steps. The 'o6 just isn't popular for heavy game - witness the number of Alaskan guides who prefer it - haven't heard of any who champion the '06.
My hunting is close - out to 300 yards max and for that, the .45 cal. works just fine.(I actually prefer my 14 bore rifle to any others for dropping moose in their tracks)