Quote: Bill like CaptCurl, I have shot several bullets down range through a pair of Merkel double rifles, but unlike The Capt, I have had zero problems with any rifle or shotgun made by Merkel I have ever owned. Mine are a 470NE and a 9.3X74R both 140s. The rumors started about the Merkel double rifles were started by a person I happen to know very well. This rumor was because this dealer was selling a competitor of Merkel, and simply could not compete with the Merkel price point, so decided to disspell any voice on the true quality of the Merkel line, with the rediculous crap you were told. There are hundreds of Merkel double rifles in use in Africa today by PHs, and clients alike, with the result being the myths have been mostly disspelled. It still flaires up from time to time, and in every case when the person repeating the myth is questioned,we find the he was told by someone wanting to sell you something else! If the Capt tells you something you can take it to the bank. He knows his double rifles, and is not shy about correcting myths. That is good because companies have been ruined by this type of gossip, and we as a group need to correct the false info presented on the net. SO! I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't take offence when someone corrects info that you post when they know it is in error. The messenger is safe here! |