If you cast a glance at the pictures on http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat....true#Post127140, in the pictures showing me with a leopard, kudu and Peters' gazelle, you will see what appears to be a flapped pocket on the right side of the shirt. The pocket is actually open at the top, and inside of it are five elasticized loops large enough to accomodate five rounds of .505 ammunition or anything smaller, such as the .375 H&H I used on the leopard and the kudu. The cartridges are protected from trash or dust but at the same time are easy to get to and never presented me with a problem when rapidly reloading. Just don't carry two rounds in the fingers of your shooting hand, as Robert Redford did in "Out of Africa". Evidently he read somewhere that Dennis Finch-Hatton always carried two spare cartridges in the fingers of his right hand when shooting dangerous game, without learning that D F-H was left-handed. Could be a problem. |