I would like to know more on the MH .577-.450 bullets and methods. I do not have a military version in the .577-.450, but have a comercial sporter MH action rifle in that caliber. I have shot it with "factory loads" from an outfit in California that specializes in cowboy action type calibers. The bullet they load is a 480 grain with a long pointy lead bullet with a hollow base. It shot a respectable group at 50 yards. I have yet to do more shooting. I plan to load my own for this rifle. I had always read that the bores run large compared to other .450 (.458) caliber rifles, but with the commercial rifle, maybe not. I did have to change the shoulder a bit to be able to chamber in my rifle. What is the best way to measure bore and what can you tell me about loading for this. I love the rifle. It is light and handy. good express sights. It does bark and jump a bit when you pull the trigger!! |