I think that the whole thing is a crock of greeney nonsense. The only birds that I belive died of lead did so by ingesting it at 1200 fps or so. If a bird hasent got the sense not to eat the big shiney thing in the middle of the carrion it has found then such birds would have died out years ago by ingesting all sorts of shit. I watch the rooks around here in London eating all sorts of shit out of the bins and they damm well don't eat the tin foil that the left over Chinese meals come in. Seems to me then that by the greeney definition, Eagles are too dumb to live. Who are we then to interfear with Darwinian evolution. This same rubbish was used to ban lead shot here some years ago and ever since I have stood on shooting lines watching hundreds of ducks get crippled that would have fallen to decent size lead shot. It is just one more example of the nanny states in which we all reside now that will not keep their snouts out of things that they don't understand. I don't have anythin against Barnes, I've never used a mono metal bullet. I just see them as a balistic slution to a problem that dosent exist. Regards |