I just happened across Rigby's website and almost fell over when I looked at their prices! African caliber bolt rifles starting at 33,500, side-lock double rifle starting at 49,750 and a box-lock at 32,500!! I can't believe anyone would pay these prices for these guns. As an old saying goes, "a fool and his money should never come together"!
I wouldn't give 2 cents for any Californicated Rigby.
Doublerifle nut, I don't know anything about current Rigby rifles but have you seen the prices on new Hollands or Purdeys and do you know how many man hours go into their production ? They will never be cheap and I often think they are like fine watches, you never really own one, you just look after it for the next generation best, Mike
Agree with 500, comparing H&H or Purdeys to the new Rigby is like comparing a Scion Van to a one off Bugatti.