Quote: That has been my experience as well...think under normal circumstances, Leopold will do just fine...but in low light conditions such as on a leopard hunt...would only use HIGH end glass...way too much at risk... Caprivi, Find your comments interesting...not questioning your statements, just ironic how opinions can be so varied....When I bought my last custom rifle from Lex Webernich, his comments were exactly opposite of yours,, he stated by far the most problems he had in his years of rifle building was Zeiss...and by far the most trusted was Leopold... Anyway, speaking from personal experience and shooting a fair amount, have only had 2 leupolds go down in 40 years.1 was on a 300 mag for 10 years..and numerous trips..second one I had purchased second hand..so not sure what had happened to it prior to my purchase.. I probably own at least 20 at this time..also have S&B, Swarovski's and Kahles....have had far less number of Swarovski's and Kahles than Leupolds...but have had one of each go down as well for the former mentioned... Ripp |