You can walk in into Purdey's ( or somewhare else) and order (that was what I ment in my previus post, sorry) yourself a new 470 and if you are lucky you will have BB to engrave it. It is true as you say that if you have one, you can sell it with a profit the day after. And you cant find one finished for sale easily, probably not at all. This makes it collectable but what I wonder about is if this is more collectable than guns with the right provenance and rarety. But you are als right in the fact that if you are lucky to get one of these top engraver to doo your job, it is colectable. But what you collect then is the (boiled down) the engravers signature. i normaly says that if you get a multicollor gold engraved Hunt its like bying a picasso if he was alive today.
Regrding greefnee I have seen quite a lot of his new work the last 3,5 year. You are right that his gargyles and grotuesk is good. his deep carving is very good and not meny can doo this, but I have seen better and cleaner from a few others. His lettering is very clean, But what have not impressed mee is his game scenes, I would not have it on my gun, that is for sure. i could name 10 engravers who doo better game scenes, and we have not started on the italians yet!. better quality of engraving and better design. I dont want to slagg him off but Me personally would not considder him collectble. I would have his former apprentice work any day before his. Cicile Flohiment. I guess he is a hate or love thing. And I am maybee too spoiled with looking at good stuff every day.
Thank you Morten.
That's the great thing about the gun business, one man's trash is another man's gold.