(.275 member)
28/03/04 07:48 AM
Re: 450 3.25 or 470NE... which one to buy??

Ray, unless WR got generous or my old style math is bad the last .500's I got (last summer) were $50.00/5 soft and $55.00/5 solids. .450's and .470's are less. I see prices that high for Feds. on a per round basis, but they can be bought for a little less. I know D&R sports has softs at around $165/20 and solids around $185. If you buy 10 boxes you get a discount! In the store here I saw around $210 and change. Either one will drive you to the handloading bench.

The .450/400" are sure nice to shoot. And have killed anything for longer than we are old! You are right on there. IMO far better than .375, BUT for what? Plains game, no I wouldn't buy that. For DG, you bet!

.450/400's seemed to be readily available a couple of years ago, but scarce now. However, they can be had, they are around. I know where there is or was anyway 3 of them.


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