SHARPSNITRO I think you are mistaken in your opinion of what makes a double rifle strong as far as coming off face by shooting! When a double rifle comes off face because of a hot load it is not the lugs that bend but the action BAR! In the case you site, the bar is actually made weaker by the removal of steel in the bar to accomidate the extra wide lugs! The idea that the rifle is stronger because the lug is wider is camouflage hideing the real problem. The lugs in that rifle are wider so they are easier to machine fit, not to improve strength. ...
I would argue your comment about the wider lugs resulting in a weaker frame (or bar). The Krieghoff has a single cocking bar in the center of the frame so the sidewalls are solid compared to most others. Maybe I didn't phrase it so well but my opinion that it is the strongest action is due to the better load path (i.e. less twisting) resulting from the wider lugs. The action also seems to be more compact than many (by eye anyway, I don't have a good measurement database for comparison) so the moment arms should be shorter.
I should probably not have made the comment looking back on it because I don't know the Blaser layout very well. Since I am in agreement with you about them botching the safety/cocking system I didn't take them as a serious contender.