Have had several 9.3x74r's and had good luck with all. My Chapuis sxs was extremely light and a delight to carry though rather stiff to me,(I KNOW recoil is subjective)in the recoil department. You might even say unpleasant to shoot,period. The others were Valmets and they were not particularly light in any sense of the term though they were pleasant to carry also. Never had any problems with any of them. I would easily select any of them for use again and the accuracy of all was exemplary. I personally would not like to shoot my 141 in 9.3x74r as it is featherlight and very pleasant in 8x57IRS. Mine has the humpback European stock with NO cheekpiece. While I find that stock design ugly in the first degree it seems to be one of the most pleasant I have ever shot, so much so, that I don't even have a recoil pad on it and for me that is saying something as I am overly sensitive to recoil. With the short barrels and light weight it is one of the most responsive doubles I've ever had,either rifle OR shotgun. I would love to be able to afford it duplicated in 410. |