(.400 member)
05/12/08 04:02 AM
Re: Double Rifle Grease

The Lucas grease is available here in the UK but I don't know about the Chevron (Texaco?). Good tip and far cheaper than gunmaker grease (like Perazzi).

Somebody mentioned Kroil above - that is great stuff for bores but I hesitate to use it anywhere else and beware how much it 'creeps' because you don't want it draining into the stock. It is also hard to find in the UK (Midway UK used to have it but now only has Kano Microil, but its not the same thing; Livens stocks it too). I have started trying 3-in-1 High Performance Penetrant http://www.3inone.com/products/penetrant-drip-spray/ - seems ok so far but I'm not sure how much I trust it and i haven't used it long enough to notice whether there is any residue build up (I think it is silicone based). Kroil has the best reputation. Still, Parker Hale Express gun oil is good stuff too.

Another useful product that was recommended to me is Mercury/Quicksilver Power Tune which is great for flushing carbon residue and other rubbish out of barrels and far more effective and cheaper than other 'gun cleaners'.

I still favour so-called "abrasive" compounds for removing copper, something that doesn't actually need doing very often, currently Montana Extreme Copper Cream http://www.montanaxtreme.com/products/copper_cream.php

If I use anything on the locks/trigger etc then it is sewing machine oil or watch oil. Hornby model train oil works too but at a higher cost.

Exterior metal care is generally a very lightly oiled rag. I'd like to know if anyone had tried Eezox on blued barrels as it has a good rust proofing reputation on 'unfinished' match barrels. Leaves a 'dry' finish which is fine for my stainless/synthetic rifles.

Of course, before shooting the bore is wiped out with Iso Propanol (rubbing alcohol 99.7%+) (used for cleaning electonic circuit boards etc) - very good degreaser that evaporates and leaves no residue or lighter fluid if I run out! Makes the first shot a bit high and right, but thereafter no problems!

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