New, old, Vintage, Best, No. 2, mint, rough, "hunting used", handling marks, etc........I will take the Westley Richards Drop Lock everytime......Everytime. I would assume that these 2 are being compared as they are similar priced and in your price range. All good things. The H&H is a very nicely presented gun. The stock with out cheek rest is cast for a left hend shooter and the other is a bit ( a lot) short for LOP. Both will cost a bit to do something about. The red-dot rear sight is a bit sacreligous as well. The Westley is a very nice "using" gun. A scoped 300 coupled with a 500 covers my 2 favorite calibers. Sleeved barrels not withstanding it seems to be priced very high to me. This is not a 2003 gun, it was build in 1924 and refurbished in '03. If they where the same or close in price then it would be a easier choice. This is indeed all subjective and a great exercise, thanks for sharing. |