(.400 member)
23/11/08 06:55 AM


470 NE Merkel 140, non-ejector- been to Africa twice and used well

Doubled while firing front trigger first after a hundred rounds or so from new.
repaired that, then would double 99% of the time when i used rear trigger first (normally it is front trigger first) - 3 visits to good double gunsmiths (here in Canada) who removed the front set trigger, repaced it with a non-set hinged trigger for my fat fingers because everyone thought it was my fault.

On the 3rd visit - a very small burr on an internal part was finally found to be the reason. Fires excellent and safely now.

I was worried because i love this rifle. BTW I removed the auto safety as well as well as extended the LOp to fit me perfectly.

Trigger weights are approximately 4 front 4.5 rear

Farshot, I have two Merkel double rifles, and have had zero problem with either! My first one was bought about 7 yrs ago, and is a 140E, a 9.3X74R ejector rifle, with a set trigger for the right barrel, and an auto safety, for which I disabled the "AUTO" part. I've never been able to understand the "AUTOSAFETY" crap on a double rifle. It makes no more sense that a bolt rifle that comes back on safety each time the bolt is cycled, just dumb.

First off, you must have a 140-1 that has had 470NE barrels made for it, because I have never seen a Merkel 140-2 with a set trigger for the right barrel, or an auto safety. The actions for the 140-1 has the largest chambering 9.3X74R, and the 140-2 which starts at 375 H&H, and ends up at 500NE, are the same action body, but the 140-2 has never, in my experience, come with a set trigger, or an autosafety, or untill lately ejectors. There is a reason for that! The recoil of the larger chamberings sets the right barrel off if the back trigger is fired first, and the chamberings are designed for dangerous game, and most such rifles never have an auto safety.

The little Merkel 141 rifles, built on the 28 ga size action, top out at the 9.3X74R level, and have auto safeties, and are available with ejectors like the 140-1, , or ( 140"E" which is ejectors) built on the 20 ga size.

The new 140-2 Ejector rifles (375H&H through 500NE) are monoblocked as well, instead of being shoelump like all the other Merkel S/S double rifles. This is not bad, just different.

IMO, the Merkel double rifles are value for money, and are as strong as a bank vault!

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