500Nitro - I agree that many or most US business owners have BS in their advertizing, whether this is their idea or merely their advertizing people's unchecked ideas - not very many companies seem to be free of it really. I'm not sure any other country's businesses are any different for that matter. What I'm seeing here though, is some broad statements made against a company or companies that bear little or no support of evidence or that are merely supported by nonsensical arguments like some previous posts. I was just wondering if there was actual proof that Barnes bullets did this or were they some other makers monolith bullets, or as 500 Nitro stated, perhaps loads in excess and the real cause is unknown? An easy out for an 'aggressive' handloader is to blame the bullets, rifle or both. If there is proof the bullets actually did this, then which ones were they? With proof, there is no slander, of course, a civil suit needs only 56% pro to get a conviction. |