Nothing new here. Barnes has been peddling this for years. I got the same directly from their tech guy a couple years ago. I view it as a red herring. Quote: True. Quote: I suppose it's possible that Barnes might get a few queries couched in those terms from new DR shooters unfamiliar with the issue, but not otherwise. Clearly, Barnes' position is that if pressures are normal and their bullet metal hardness is less than that of the barrels, then virtually by definition, their bullets cannot damage the barrels of a double. For many years, I've discussed this issue extensively with many in the trade and many experienced shooters in the DR community, and I can't recall any experienced person familiar with the problem ever suggesting that overstressed rifling had anything to do with excessive pressure. Barnes seems to be the sole source of this sophistic contention. Kinda reminds me of the old joke about the Anti-Masturbation Drive sponsored by The Society to Prevent Blindness. Quote: Not true. Quote: No kidding? No wonder. |