I recently received and already love a new Searcy PH DR in 450-400 NE 3". I've already shot Hornady loads with 400 grain bullets and I'm preparing for reloading using 400 grain bullets, but I live in California and have a problem. {And beware, even though folks say "out in California", what happens here tends to spread across the country and we all may have this problem in the future.) In the Calif. condor range, where the pig hunting is, bullets must contain no lead. So, the only bullets I can find and use here that contain no lead are Barnes: the 400 grain banded solid, and a 300 grain TSX. 400 grain bullets are best for my DR, but that Barnes solid won't expand much, and I'd like something that expands and use it as my first shot. DOES ANYONE HAVE A SOURCE, BESIDE BARNES, OF 400 GRAIN, .410 OR .411" DIAMETER EXPANDING BULLET WITH NO COPPER, OR, ALTERNATELY, A LOAD FOR THIS CALIBER THAT WILL WORK WITH A 300 GRAIN TSX BULLET? (and was regulation a problem with the lighter bullet?) Thanks for any info you can forward to me.