First is to say that I do not own a double rifle yet. However I just sighted in my M77 .458 lott on a lead sled with two bags of shot in it. The padding on the Butt area of the rest and the buttpad (not to be confused with a recoil pad by any stretch of the imagination!) seem to buffer the shock of the recoil very well. I know a bolt action rifle etock is much stronger inherently than that of a double. I don't think I would risk a double rifle stock shooting from one. It did work very well sighting my bolt gun. It is a Godsend for that purpose. I placed my rifle on the rest in a way that I could grasp the forend with my left hand much as I would shooting offhand. This was comfortable and aided control. I think the lead sled is a useful tool when properly used. I like mine. These days two bags of shot cost as much as the rest itsaef though. |