A question to everyone out there. Shooting big calibres from a benchrest is no fun for me. After a bit of research I bought a Caldwell DFT lead sled. For a review see: http://www.chuckhawks.com/caldwell_lead_sled_DFT.htm
It is a great piece of kit for sighting stuff in and reduces recoil unbelieavably. Firing 12 bore slugs from a bench is a pain, with this thing it is no problem at all. It is fully adjustable and a joy to use. Note that it does not stop the gun recoiling, in theory I think it merely "artificially" adds weight to the gun. The author of the review above only ever uses a max of 2 bags of lead shot on the tray i.e. 50lbs total lead and shoots his bolt action .458 Mag rifle off it.For interest a .45-70 weighing 10lbs shooting a 500 grain bullet at 1750 FPS has free recoil of approx 37ft.lbs, with 2 bags of lead the free recoil drops to 4.42 ft lbs, about the same as a .223 ! NOW comes the question, I have heard that people have suffered broken stocks using recoil tamers but I suspect that is because the rifle wasn't allowed to recoil at all. I think I saw something on this forum regarding a broken stock and sandbags. When my .470 O/U arrives I am going to try it and see what the results are. I know groups off a bench probably won't be good but I would be very interested to hear from anyone with direct experience. By the way, I thoroughly reccomend the Guns and Shooting Online site (www.chuckhawks.com), no onnection, just a happy viewer best Mike
The lead-sled is OK for some rifles, but should never be used with a double rifle! This is more detramental with a side by side than an over under, but it will not give you a proper regulation with either one. A double rifle depends on the recoil arch to regulate properly. A double rifle should never touch anything other that a shooter's shoulder, face, and hands! The double rifle must absolutely be allowed to recoil as if being fired off hand, to work properly. You may rest the rifle on sand bags, but only if your hand is between the bag and the rifle, with the rifle being gripped by the hand. The butt, should not be rested on anything but resting against your shoulder. A good PAST recoil shield is the equiptment you need. Even if the sled doesn't break your stock, the rifle will not regulate properly whan one is used with a double rifle!