Quote: A dose of reality is hardly 'pissing on people' dreams.' You seem to be a bit sensitive to any even slight disagreement with your postings, but since I was censured by our moderator for objecting to your penchant for pissing on other people's rifles, I won't dwell on that here. Why buck the tide that seems to want to allow you free reign to piss where you want and then piss on others who don't just say 'sure, whatever you say.' Sinner, my observations and I suspect Capt Curl's were simply pointing out the practical problems with reviving Rigby after it has been so badly mistreated over the last few decades. If you want to put the time, effort and talent together to revive it, go right ahead. I for one wish you well and will buy the finished product -- if and when it comes out and if and when it is a true 'Rigby' in fact rather than simply name. But money talks and bullshit walks. If we simply want to turn this forum into the Fantasy Baseball League of Double Rifles, then let's continue this prolix self stimulation about how we are going to turn back the clock, assemble this group of talented and experienced craftsmen, buck the current market where Purdey and H&H have finished products sitting on the shelf (see the Purdey 470 that has been sitting there for a year or so) and then let's continue to crap on anyone who says that "the Emperor is Naked.' Or, put up the money and do the job, Sinner or let's move on to discussing DRs not Disneyworld products. Okay go ahead and start on me. Or simply have this dose of reality removed once again by your buddy. Dave |