(.400 member)
31/03/08 04:07 AM
Re: Blaser S2 doubles opinions??


Dnovo, no apologies needed. The cocking with the safety is uncomfortable for a lot of people because it is different. It does take some getting used too.We will see how she does in a few weeks when I take her out shooting. thanks for the input.

Bigdog, you will always get bad feed back on the Blazer double rifles, when chambered for cartridges primarily used for dangerous game! The Krieghoff gets some of that as well, but the Blazer cocking system has one very serious draw-back for a close quarters fight with a Cape Buffalo, or ele! That draw-back is the rifle must be recocked after every reloading, the Krieghoff, however re-cocks it's self when the action is opened. The Blazer system is a mauling waiting to happen, if the first two doesn't do the trick, IMO.

The whole idea of a double rifle for dangerous game is, a properly designed double rifle is the most reliable system in the world. The very limited number of movements needed to get off two of the quickest "AIMED" shots is it's first value. The blazer, and Krieghoff can do that as well as any double. The Krieghoff's use of the de-cocking system is fine, because it is used for a safety,so the rifle can be carried loaded with complete confidence. However when the fight begins, and the rifle is cocked, then the krieghoff rifle, there after, works exactly the same as any other hammerless double rifle. You fire the first two shot, break, and reload the chambers, and slam the rifle shut, and pull the triggers two more times. The blazer, however doesn't re-cock it's self, so after the re-load, one still must re-cock the rifle! This is not good when the time is short, and the nerves are on end, with a big mad Bull closeing fast. Add to the re-cocking system, the hood over the chambers posing a road-block to a quick, positive, re-loading of the chambers. IMO, this rifle commits too many sins in any caliber, but is exacerbated by cartridges like the 470NE and 500NE where the heavy recoil plays a very negative role in the combat situation, that is modified by a traditional double rifle.

On the last matter is the Blazer is absolutely the ugliest double rifle I've ever seen, and life is to short to hunt with an ugly rifle! Of course that is a personal opinion, and might not be the opinion of others, and evidently not your opinion! So,,,,,,,If the Blazer floats your canoe, the work your paddle! ............Good luck

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