Might I add before actually going back to work, one wonders about the Emperor's VIP Club of gunwriters who go on about how fine these tarted up Merkels are. Obviously, they feel that we, who are stupid enough to buy their books, will be possibly swayed away from those guns which are truly fine. I buy their books to have the photos of the old stuff--even then, it's plain that "gunwriting" must be the world's second oldest profession!
I have news for you, the Merkels are better rifles, than the Cal. Rigbys, and the Merkel case color is better as well. There is nothing wrong with the Merkel action, in fact, it is the only part of the Rigby that is worth buying! Everyone should have known they produce junk, after the "WONDERFULL" Rogue River rifles that preceded the Cal Rigby, which were well regulated to hit a wall SOMEPLACE inside a barn, with the doors closed!