(.275 member)
24/09/05 07:41 AM
Pedersoli Kodiak .45-70 rifles, Greetings, etc.

Several days ago I threw my hat into the ring here with my first posting in the 'Reloading for Doubles...etc.' forum, both as a way of introducing myself and in order to provide some useful, if not complimentary, information on the Pedersoli double rifles. I was sure I'd see at least some response, there, since my comments were, as I said, uncomplimentary (though accurate and true). Since then, I've re-visited that thread numerous times but have seen no activity in that forum at all - I've imagined the sound of crickets singing undisturbed in the background.
So, having failed to elicit any exchange on the not-very hot topic there, I'm just going to say 'Hi!', and that I'm looking forward to more stimulating discussions (of something) in future
mhb - Mike

(.275 member)
24/09/05 10:08 AM
Re: Pedersoli Kodiak .45-70 rifles, Greetings, etc.

greetings, welcome. I have been wondering about those Kodiaks too, might be the only double I will ever have a chance to afford, and I do so desperately need one!!!

(.275 member)
24/09/05 10:26 AM
For 577Enfield:

Thank you. I hope you will review what I posted in the 'Reloading' forum. I was (as I told Pedersoli) VERY disappointed. I also tried to acquire a SIACE .45-70 double rifle for evaluation, but the importer never followed-through on his promise to provide one, so I don't know what they are like, though they look good in pictures.

(.275 member)
24/09/05 12:54 PM
Re: For 577Enfield:

just read that, does not sound encouraging. I might just have to be content to shoot my friends doubles once in a while and leave it at that. He has really nice ones.

(.375 member)
26/11/05 05:14 AM
Re: Pedersoli Kodiak .45-70 rifles, Greetings, etc.

I just purchased a Pedersoli Kodiak express in 72 cal. It was inexpensive, and being such I'm not expecting it to be or shoot like a $40,000.00 fine english weapon. I'm hoping it can keep the balls on the paper at 100 yrds and inside the rings at 50. So if it preforms better than that I'll be thrilled. I believe with these guns you just have to set your sights (pun intended) realistically. I can always pick up .458 Mag or .416 Rigby in a Ruger No.1 Tropical for accuracy. And I always have my .457 Alaskan in my Marlin 1895G for rapid fire ( and painfull recoil) on dangerous game.

Just my 2 cents,

(.416 member)
26/11/05 05:55 AM
Re: Pedersoli Kodiak .45-70 rifles, Greetings, etc.

Hey Mike-

Talk of the Pedersoli DR is worn thin around the sites it seems. Either someone gets a good one or they don't.
The only ones I've handled have been train wrecks, hammers that bludgeon firing pin collets to the point of peening the firing pins in place so that the guns misfire, crap regulation (non-regulation) funny metal fit, lock plates that are warped like main sails in a changing wind...

Good for the guys who have pedersoli rifles that shoot.
Mabye the muzzle loading rifles shoot and are built better than the cartridge guns I've seen.

There are a few guys here who have handled, shot, and owned numerous to several high grade and well built double rifles, taken them against lots of thin skinned and dangerous game animals, and along the way have deeply researched the intricate histories of the makers and the trade of nice double rifles.
There's a lot of information on tap here, at times you'll see folks speaking out of thier experiences or preferences somewhat in juxtapose to the topic raised or the question asked. There are also quite a few regional and national colloquial slants on the common language spoken here too, so take all that into consideration when someone speaks up in a thread with a tone you might not have expected to hear, nine and some fraction of times out of ten any sense of misunderstanding or friction is simply from the nature of internet tippity-tapping on the keypad *from one part of the world* to someone *somewhere else*

I get the feeling you'll have a lot to offer the community here with your experience as a barrel maker. In respect to your trade and skills there, you have a unique perspective to offer.

Stick around and have a good time.


(.400 member)
26/11/05 06:08 AM
Re: Pedersoli Kodiak .45-70 rifles, Greetings, etc.


You might have been warned that this is the most opiniated firearms formum on the net, so don't be too discouraged if some smart-ass want-to-be cuts you down. Your insght into barrel makeing, lucid and entertaining reports on your 500NE are most welcomed.

(.375 member)
26/11/05 02:59 PM
Re: Pedersoli Kodiak .45-70 rifles, Greetings, etc.


Being a barrel maker, can you rework the Pedersoli barrels and make them preform better? How much would this cost?


(.416 member)
26/11/05 03:35 PM
Re: Pedersoli Kodiak .45-70 rifles, Greetings, etc

There is an old saying in the metalworking trades.

-You can't polish a turd-


(.275 member)
26/11/05 03:43 PM


Did you possibly work with Wells Sport Store before opening your own barrel making business?


(.333 member)
27/11/05 01:45 AM

I know two people with Pedersoli 45/70s. They have been well made rifles for the money. One person I know has had his Pedersoli rechambered to 450#2 NE. The rifle required no re-regulation and he took it to Africa.

The rifle performed well and he had a great hunt. The only downside to all of this, is when the rifle was converted to 450#2, it had a recoil that is best described as "Brisk". The second half of this story is that he "lost" the rifle down a Warthog hole while on safari.

When he got back to the States he purchased a Kreighoff in 500/416, and another Pedersoli in 45/70.

The 45/70 Pedersoli double in that chambering is a great round for non dangerous game at close range on this side of the pond.

What would be really nice is 9.3X74R. As for me I really don't like hammer guns!

Aren't you a former employee of these folks or associated firm?

Just my opines!

(.275 member)
29/11/05 03:50 AM
For tinker, et. al.

Guys, I'm sorry not to have responded to your postings more promptly - for several days I have been unable to access the NE forums - don't know why - and on my return, found that several of you had posted additions to a thread I thought expired.
Tinker: thanks for the kind words. I'm not the sensitive sort, and have had considerable experience with the vagaries of communicating technical and other information across the barriers of 'common languages'.
I am by temperament, training, preference and profession a technician, and make it a rule never to tell more than I know, while clearly separating fact from opinion whenever possible. I am, in fact, an old, burned-out and retired Chief Warrant Officer, CW4, of the Regular Army (MI) - re-galvanized post-retirement as a barrel maker and riflesmith (a long-held desire, though, truthfully, without any real expectation of fulfilment - but the blind hog DID find that acorn).
I'll be sticking around.
mhb - Mike

(.275 member)
29/11/05 03:52 AM
For colorado:

Sadly, no. Had there been any workable way to save the Pedersoli, I'd have tried it, but there wasn't.
mhb - Mike

(.275 member)
29/11/05 03:57 AM
For bonanza:

Thanks for the heads-up. So long as I stick to what I know (and that's a Warrant Officer maxim - the corollary to which is - The Chief Knows All), anyone taking exception better have a really sharp axe.
mhb - Mike

(.275 member)
29/11/05 03:59 AM
For mbogo375:

Not even probably. And, sadly, I'm just a laborer in the barrel mine - I don't own it (he's management, I'm labor - and the shop steward!).
mhb - Mike

(.275 member)
29/11/05 04:04 AM
For Rusty:

Mostly, I'm a former employee of the U.S. Army (24 years and a bit).
mhb - Mike

(.333 member)
29/11/05 08:34 PM
Re: For Mike

So you used to work for them?

(.275 member)
30/11/05 02:22 AM
For Rusty:

Ummm. For Whom? Until my retirement from the Army (1993), I'd had no connection with the firearms industry (other than as a user) since 1968 - before I got my draft notice, I worked for a really great wholesaler and retailer; Moore and Ehler (R.I.P.), in Dallas (421 N. Ervay, right across from the main Post Office). After retirement, I dogged it for a while, then discovered that there was a barrel maker literally in the neighborhood (well, in Arizona, we have large neighborhoods). I met the owner (Bernie) at the local range, compared notes, and was invited to visit the shop. He gave me the 25 cent tour, explained how he did things (and the peculiarities of the semi-antique equipment), verified that I had some machinist background, handed me a shop apron and set of safety glasses and said, in effect, 'have at it'. I did. That was in 1995. The only other 'them' I've really worked for since 1968 was the Army and certain three-letter government agencies.
mhb - Mike

(.333 member)
30/11/05 06:57 AM
Re: For Rusty:

I agree it's more fun to ferret it out.

so what kind of barrels did you make?

(.275 member)
30/11/05 09:45 AM
Re: For Rusty (or whoever you REALLY are)

Aha! Just as I suspected! An agent provocateur!
Cut-rifled, hand-lapped, match grade (only), calibers from .22RF to .54, rifling pitch and geometry per customer spec. Further inquiries will require that you establish your clearance level, access to compartmented information, and need-to-know. The usual certification from your agency security manager will suffice, after verification.
mhb - (deleted)

(.700 member)
30/11/05 10:36 AM
Re: For Rusty (or whoever you REALLY are)


There is no reason to alter the title to address the post to a particular individual. This is easily done in the comments box. Also when hitting REPLY to the post made by the person, the post is actually addressed to them anyway.

Generally most posts even if addressed to an individual are posts to the 'world at large' anyway. If this was done a lot, it would make reading threads very difficult.

Sometimes of course one must address the title line to a particular member, if they miss reading it. A better way is to use the "email the post" feature if it is really wanted to get to a particular person.

Just some general notes for everyone else as well.

(.416 member)
30/11/05 10:54 AM
Re: For Rusty (or whoever you REALLY are)

mhb, Rusty--

You couple of spooks!


(.333 member)
30/11/05 11:42 AM
Re: For Rusty (or whoever you REALLY are)

My credentials are as follows. . .

A balding old fat man on the downhill slide of a mediocre career! My bio is on file.

I think you are familiar with the musical, "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas"? You would be perfect for Charles Durning roll!

(.275 member)
01/12/05 01:59 AM
Re: For Rusty (or whoever you REALLY are)

Did not intend to cause confusion. Was trying to catch-up with postings I'd missed during the several days I couldn't access this forum. I hoped that, by addressing each posting and poster individually, I'd help avoid confusion, since each new post is added to the end of the queue, rather than directly beneath the posting being responded to, and that, I thought, could be a source of confusion, too.
Everything I post here is intended to be shared with anyone who participates in the forum - (and, speaking - ahem - from previous experience, anything committed to electronic media for transmission SHOULD be considered as addressed to the world.) 'Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead' - old pirate maxim, still true - 'and DON'T write it down!' - which is the instruction Big Al should have given his bookkeeper, Jake 'Greasy Thumb' Gusick.
mhb - Mike

(.375 member)
01/12/05 11:47 AM
Re: For Rusty:

Exactly when did you work for Moore and Ehler?
We may have met. I shopped there with my Father in the late 60,s. We bought our Bullseye Pistol stuff there.
I can,t remember if it was them or Burns and Gravestock that bought accurate lots of 22 rimfire ammo and "saved" back for us members of the Dallas Pistol and Revolver Club.

(.275 member)
02/12/05 02:42 AM
Moore and Ehler

I worked for M&E from early 1967 to October, 1968, when I enlisted in the Army (on the day I'd have had to report for the draft, anyway). As you may remember, it was a small store, but did a fairly large wholesale business. The owner was Herman Ehler (Virgil Moore having left the business), and the manager was Francis X. (Frank) O'Brien, both of them gone West now, I believe. It was a wonderful place.
Bill Burns and Larry Gravestock bought out Herman in 1972, I think, when he retired, and proceeded to drive what should have been a business good for the long haul directly into the ground, by ill-advised over-expansion. A pox on them both.
mhb - Mike

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