(.224 member)
23/09/09 04:32 AM
NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I just talked to EAA and the lady said she just talked to the person in charge and .500 nitro will be the largest caliber available. I would like someone else to call today and see if you get the same story. I really wanted that .600. Just under $3000.00 retail.

(.450 member)
23/09/09 05:17 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I thought someone said that they have one on order and being made ?????

Somehow it sounded too good to be true.

(.224 member)
23/09/09 06:18 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I just called and was told the 577 and 600 are being made but EAA decided not to import them now, but might after the first of the year. My dealer said he still has the order showing pending for me and has not heard anything from EAA canceling the order. Who knows. I had hoped to get one and test its quality. Clearly a $3000 .600 NE double is a gamble. Oh well.


(.450 member)
23/09/09 06:25 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Why the hell would you not import something people want ???

Seems very strange to me.

(.224 member)
23/09/09 06:44 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I told her I would take 2 of the 600's if they would import them, her response was sorry.She said they stopped importing Baikal three weeks ago also. I think if enough people would call or email them we could still get the 577's and 600's to the US.

(.450 member)
23/09/09 06:53 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Any reason why they have stopped importing both brands ????

Seems strange.

(.400 member)
23/09/09 07:01 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

The are going to have to get the destructive device sporting arm waiver before they can get there import permits if the caliber exceeds .50

(.416 member)
23/09/09 07:09 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

That was my first though too DoubleD. But double rifles have an excemption IIRC.

(.450 member)
23/09/09 07:12 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I believe DR's have the exemption, that's what I was told.

At least your Gov't understands the difference between one
.50 cal and another !!!

(.224 member)
23/09/09 07:39 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Individual cartridges have the exemption. Both the 577 NE and 600 NE are exempt. I emailed Sabatti and asked if they were really producing and had a different importer lined up. Hopfully I will get an answer by tomorrow. I do know a firearms importer, maybe I will ask how hard it is to do it. Maybe he would want to be the supplier. The thing I worry about is maybe EAA and USSG have found quality issues and do not want to warranty the guns.


(.400 member)
23/09/09 11:26 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

The Importer has to apply for and be granted the exemption to import. If the ATF6 is issued it's granted.

(.300 member)
24/09/09 02:26 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I would be very afraid of any .600NE that retailed for $3000!!!

Bike Rider

(.224 member)
25/09/09 12:04 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

A quick check of USSG's web site now shows the Sabatti is only offered in 45/70 in the inexpensive model and 45/70 through 500 NE in the deluxe model. 577 and 600 are no longer listed. All Baikal models appear to still be listed.

Again, I have to suspect that the confusing and conflicting answers being given out by USSG employees are not attempts at deception. It's just that the situation is so fluid even they don't know what is going on.


(.275 member)
25/09/09 11:01 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

USSG lists some rimless cartridges for the SAB92SF,
such as .375 H&H,.416 Rigby and .458 WM. See:
That requires extractors to deal with the lack
of a case rim.

There is a PDF of the .45/70 manual at:
Take a look at the extractors in figure #20 on page 13.
This rifle does not look like it will withstand much
use at the range or in the field.

The safety merely blocks the triggers. See "Trigger
Block Safety" on pages 9-10.

If the rifle is "regulated" at all, it would be as delivered.
The catalog says it is - Drilled & Tapped for Optics Rail.
There is no recoil pad. There is an - ENGRAVED
WALNUT BUTT PAD instead. There will be an effect on
accuracy when a recoil pad and perhaps a scope are added.

The price is nice, but if accuracy and reliability are
not up to snuff, it is not a bargain. I hope that anyone
who buys one gets great performance, but I'll wait and see.
Being a first adopter can be expensive.

(.400 member)
25/09/09 01:09 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

i talked to them after the owner just came back from russia and italy and all was still good will call tomorrow i am thinking to many orders had to stop taking more but i will call in am,i wish the guy from canada would give an update he said his was in his hands thats the last i have heard

(.416 member)
25/09/09 05:34 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

It's interesting that they talk about the Sabatti in htat PDF,but they show one of those Russian Biakals. I bet that is the same manual that they use for the Biakal.The only thing lacking is the barrel adjustment pages.

(.300 member)
25/09/09 11:02 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

The manual in the link provided also makes mention of returning the rifle to Spartan Gun Works should one encounter problems.

I am still interested in seeing how this all works out.


(.224 member)
26/09/09 12:15 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


It's interesting that they talk about the Sabatti in htat PDF,but they show one of those Russian Biakals. I bet that is the same manual that they use for the Biakal.The only thing lacking is the barrel adjustment pages.

Curiouser still... If you blow up the close-ups of the action, you see light engraving (not on the Baikal) and markings the rifle is 308 Win (available in neither the Baikal or Sabatti).


(.400 member)
26/09/09 12:18 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

ok this is getting ot of hand i just called 10 am today and they denied the rumor of no 577 or 600's i cant believe the amount of cackleing over a gun no one has seen or shot.i know i wont add to this cchaos till i have one in my hands.aan say all i can say is be patient i have been on top of tjis since day one of the shot show have had hours of conversation with the company,i even turned down those case colored 45-70's.to argue over a picture is futile.

(.224 member)
26/09/09 11:16 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

People that work at EAA are either lying to you or lying to me. They told me NO .577's and NO .600's. It will be interesting to see what happens. It sounds to me like they have no idea !

(.400 member)
26/09/09 11:28 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

time will tell

(.450 member)
26/09/09 11:32 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I think someone needs to go to the head (CEO) of both companies with a written letter about all the bullshit different stories and that it will be published on all the forums with whatever response they come back with.

The fact that you are getting so many conflicting stories is BS.

They are either being made or they are not.

(.400 member)
26/09/09 11:47 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

all i know is i have 6 on order and all are pending.are the people calling dealers.every one who has ordered through a dealer says all is a go.now remember sabatti could not proof any firearms during august due to the proof house holiday during the month of august EAA stated they have stacks of orders they will make money.how fast can a double be built especially in 577 or 600 not many and not fast,good and fast don't go together.oh and none of my orders have been canceled.we can speculate all you want i remember not long ago that the biakals were said never to be produced and i have one in my safe remember it took remington three years to make that deal happen its ony been a few months be patient.order any 600 it will take an average of 18 months and allot of zero's on the check.but it is fun reading all the cackling and squaking.i find it amusing and fun reading

(.224 member)
03/10/09 01:49 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I just got off the phone with EAA , now they say the .577 and .600 may be produced, but it could be a year out. They have no idea what is going on !

(.450 member)
03/10/09 01:53 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


They have no idea what is going on !

Is that your comment or a quote from them ?

(.450 member)
03/10/09 02:49 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I have had a number of dealings with EAA in the past.

Nothing noted here seems out of the ordinary at all.

(.224 member)
03/10/09 04:18 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

My comment, it probably should be a quote from them.

(.400 member)
03/10/09 01:01 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

yes, no, maybe so,this is so funny remember the baikal it was never to be built either but they were.i predict we will see them does any other member believe as i do.even if they dont one can dream.i could at least say i had ordered a 600 nitro.thats good enough for me and my very shallow pockets.guys let us poor folks at least have a dream

(.224 member)
03/10/09 01:17 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I'd be happy with one of their deluxe models in 45/70. Pretty gun and cheap to shoot.


(.400 member)
10/10/09 03:47 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

its still a go but they will be the last ones done are you willing to be patient if not spend the 50+ thousand and get one now or wait and see if you can fill a dream..i waited for the #@ zoli 18 months and was rewarded with a great gun and became friends with the owner.he just sent me a cap for the stock engraved by one of their top engravers.so i have learned let them think this product out to avoid getting a piece of shit they are trying to provide a good product at a price us regular joys can fill a dream can you wait for a dream if not bail out and shut up they are doing the best they can,you will see soon my friends

(.375 member)
24/11/09 10:26 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Hello all hope you are all well, tough times for me and work hope the rest of you dont have the same problems!

Here you are:


Means it has been registered as existent here in Italy.



(.416 member)
24/11/09 01:41 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Does this mean these are the ones that have passed the proof house or just a registered trademark? The google translate doesn't help much.


(.375 member)
24/11/09 08:17 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Ok everyone just got off the phone.

I assured the Sabatti man there would be buyers......God almighty, i'd be one.

Here is the story.

'good morning, basically I just wanted to call to ask if your 600 nitro express will be produced?'

Good morning, yes the 600 will be produced but hasnt been produced as of yet'

'When will it be on the market?'

'next year, 2010'

'excellent. And another thing, the 577 ne?'

'We will not be producing that calibre'

'ah ok thanks'

'What will the price of the 600 ne be?'

'about 5,000 EUROS'

'How is it you make this gun so cheaply?'

'Ah well that can be explained-we make RIFLED BARRELS FOR EVERYONE ELSE, and since we make the barrels in a wholesale manner we decided to make this gun and sell it ourselves'

Ok there it is, you can all prepare yourselves now........

This is the first of many such guns, wait and see, due to the crisis.

You'll be looking at a plain but high quality gun.

All the best


(.416 member)
25/11/09 08:12 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I just looked it up. 5,000 Euros is about the same as $7,490 USD and $8,140 AUD.

(.375 member)
25/11/09 08:29 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Well that just drove the price of new and used 600's into the ground.

(.450 member)
25/11/09 08:34 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


Well that just drove the price of new and used 600's into the ground.

I doubt it.

The cache of having Holland and Holland et al
on a gun will still outweigh everything else.

Everyone said the same thing when Merkel et al started producing 470's 500's etc, but the price of English stuff
has continued to rise and IMHO, always will since it is a finite resource where no more can be made.

You could use the analogy of fast sports cars as well,
they keep making them but the old one's still gain in price !!!

(.416 member)
25/11/09 09:54 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

The side benefit will be more brands of brass and more selection of bullets at a lower cost because of more demand.

(.400 member)
25/11/09 03:09 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

yes, no, maybe, they told me, atf wont allow,wow so many versions of the sabatti saga did any one by one of the 45 70's that are here now.this does give me a chuckle reminds me of the stories about remington never bringing in the baikals.but after all was said and done they made it here did they not.from now on what ever i dig up i will keep to myself.i will have fun with mine when it shows up so i have to wait no big deal.who is the sabatti man

(.450 member)
25/11/09 06:24 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Well, I called them direct.

Yes, they have made and will make more.

All he said to me was order one !!!

(.375 member)
01/12/09 01:07 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !



Well that just drove the price of new and used 600's into the ground.

I doubt it.

The cache of having Holland and Holland et al
on a gun will still outweigh everything else.

Everyone said the same thing when Merkel et al started producing 470's 500's etc, but the price of English stuff
has continued to rise and IMHO, always will since it is a finite resource where no more can be made.

You could use the analogy of fast sports cars as well,
they keep making them but the old one's still gain in price !!!

Time will tell, but I still think this is true.

(.224 member)
12/12/09 09:43 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Anyone know when they will be available in OZ, I'd be happy for one between .400 & .500. You can stick the .577 & .600, those suckers would hurt too much thanks. I want something I can shoot and shoot well, there is nothing I am ever going to shoot that a .400 or a .500 ain't gunna drop.

(.375 member)
15/12/09 06:34 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


Anyone know when they will be available in OZ, I'd be happy for one between .400 & .500. You can stick the .577 & .600, those suckers would hurt too much thanks. I want something I can shoot and shoot well, there is nothing I am ever going to shoot that a .400 or a .500 ain't gunna drop.

You've never shot one of proper weight or fit then. My 577 is a pussy cat compared to most 500NE.

(.300 member)
15/12/09 02:54 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Ok Guys I place $$ down on one of these, after reading your post, I am wondering if I sure withdraw my offer?? I really don't like the looks of those ejectors at all. Problem is can I find anthing else better? even a conversion in the $3k range.....PLease let me know soon.......Thanks

(.450 member)
15/12/09 03:01 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I'd take a Sabatti over a Conversion any day of the week.

At least Sabatti are a known gun maker and the gun is proofed.

What calibre did you buy / order ?

(.300 member)
15/12/09 03:07 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

45-70 as that is what I am used too.......They do have a pedersoli in that caliber for the same price...thoughts?

(.416 member)
15/12/09 03:09 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


What ejectors to you speak of?
Is there a photo of Sabatti ejectors somewhere you could share with us here in the thread?


(.300 member)
15/12/09 03:15 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Yes I'll have to find it further up this in this link...it talks about a manual with some photos...there is some specultation from the guys that this is a baikal. it has two little point coming out of the ejector/exractor mechanism..not the usual triangular shape as with most double

(.450 member)
15/12/09 03:22 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


Sorry - to clarify - did you order a BAIKAL or a Sabatti in 45/70 ?

Please provide specs of the gun ?

Does it come with Ejectors ?

(.300 member)
15/12/09 03:32 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

It is a Sabatti in 45-70 from Cabelas in Sydnie NE, the photos that I was refering to are on the first page of this link from "okguy" he inserted a link with a manual and you can see the gun and open breech. the manual doesn't say much but on the last page does say Sabatti... I don't know what to do at this point accept possible cancelling that order a buying the Kodiak which you DBrs seem to like for a "lesser" rifle.

(.416 member)
15/12/09 03:37 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


I looked at that PDF and saw what you're talking about.
Not sure what to make of that -- but for the rest of y'all who haven't seen the document, it shows images of a rifle that's for all intents/purposes a baikal exactly as seen via Remington.

Here's a shot from the RPG Estate Firearms website (clipped off the web) with essentially the same gun, in the 45-70 caliber, with cartridges.

That isn't the same model of gun shown in the recent advertisements from cabelas.

I'd wait till your cabelas got the rifle in stock, then ditch the purchase if it's a baikal and not one of the type seen on the recent cabelas ads.


(.300 member)
15/12/09 03:47 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I agree, and will contact the fellow in the gun room and ask him to open it up and tell me over the phone what he sees.......Thanks a lot for your help.signing off till tomorrow.

(.450 member)
15/12/09 03:47 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I'd agree with Tinker.

Wait till they have got it in stock.

(.400 member)
16/12/09 04:54 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


I just called and was told the 577 and 600 are being made but EAA decided not to import them now, but might after the first of the year. My dealer said he still has the order showing pending for me and has not heard anything from EAA canceling the order. Who knows. I had hoped to get one and test its quality. Clearly a $3000 .600 NE double is a gamble. Oh well.


You know, I'm not sure I'd want to shoot a 600NE double rifle that cost as little as $3000. That works for me with a small chambering that produces light recoil, but with a rifle that produces that amount of recoil, and costs only $3K, has to have quite a few corners cut, and the conection between the butt stock, and the action, being the weak point in a double rifle, is not a place where poor fitting is acceptable. In my experience the worse quality workmanship, in a cheap double rifle, seems to always be in the wood to metal fit. I think I'd need to look this thing over throughly before even considering a buy, especially at that price point. There are legitamate reasons why double rifles are expencive, and I for one do not expect too much from a 600NE double rifle that costs no more than $3K. Call me but I'm a mighty cautious man where big bore double rifles are concerned, since the double chambered for large bore cartridges are made for only one purpose stopping dangerous big game.

(.300 member)
16/12/09 11:26 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I spent 30 minutes with the head of the Cabelas "Gun Roon" in Sydney Nebraska and this is the scoop on the extrator as seen in the paper manual. Those depicted in the manual futhor up in this chain are the Baikals and not the Sabatti. The Sabatti has a convetional looking large extractor with machined half circles for under the cartridge rim just as you expect them to be.

So this eliminates some of the confusion and surely my concern about that subjset.

With regard to regulating rounds, they are regulated using Winchester "Silver box" 45-70 300 grainers which of course means I will definately have to work up some loads as I do not feel 300s are accurate nor have enough stopping power for what I want to shoot.

Thanks All

(.416 member)
16/12/09 11:49 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

That Winchester load will likely get about 1800fps with the 300gr bullet - if that's the newer 'sliver box' 300gr load.

You might luck out with the 400gr bullet and get similar velocity at proper regulation.

I wonder what the proof loads were for these rifles.
Someone had put up a link to proofhouse something-or-other.
Perhaps a look there will be helpful...


(.300 member)
16/12/09 12:21 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I sure hope so, as I pretty much have only shot the 405gr for a long time,and it does everything I could ever imagine....I will knoe in FEB as that is when I get the gun (must pay for Christmas/children/grandchildren etc)
I have read most of the other forums, and just finished the one on "Accurate reloading" .seems many feel as I do. I really want/have wanted a double for most of my adult life (now 65) but could never really justify the ever climbing prices...........Hopefully this gun will shoot and work fine........I don't really think I could own one of those pretty ones anyway.........at least not and use it too

(.375 member)
17/12/09 01:39 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Heck, if these get any cheaper, the Chinese will start making them!!! Then we'll see $250.00 Walmart 470NE!

(.416 member)
17/12/09 04:55 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Maybe but I'd hate to see cheezy dragons and pagota's acid etched on them...

(.375 member)
17/12/09 05:29 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


Maybe but I'd hate to see cheezy dragons and pagota's acid etched on them...

Naw, how about the Obama commemorative version!! But only in .510 and bigger!! LOL!!

(.300 member)
17/12/09 12:10 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Wow, you guys might be on to something!

I went to my local large gun store just to look over the DG (1) and it was a Blazer (sp) of something like that...horrific design with some kind of strange mechanism once you open the breech. The shop guy said it was to allow using the same rea helf with different caliber barrels??!! plus it had a way to "regulate" the barrels via set screws.....I don't believe I would want something that looked that contrived.

(.375 member)
17/12/09 12:21 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


Wow, you guys might be on to something!

I went to my local large gun store just to look over the DG (1) and it was a Blazer (sp) of something like that...horrific design with some kind of strange mechanism once you open the breech. The shop guy said it was to allow using the same rea helf with different caliber barrels??!! plus it had a way to "regulate" the barrels via set screws.....I don't believe I would want something that looked that contrived.

Yeah, that thing is truly Mickey Mouse. You'd have to test shoot it before you went hunting just to make sure the barrel didn't come unscrewed.

(.375 member)
18/12/09 03:43 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Little birdie told me that the Sabatti's are made in Eastern Europe and finished in Italy. This is how they make them so cheap. Slave labor.

(.416 member)
18/12/09 07:39 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Have your little birdy find out where in eastern Europe. I'm in Ukraine now. I can tell you that labor is cheap here by western standards but the quality is right up there also.

(.400 member)
19/12/09 12:18 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

could be the Italian company zoli made the side locks for holland and holland

(.375 member)
19/12/09 01:00 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


Have your little birdy find out where in eastern Europe. I'm in Ukraine now. I can tell you that labor is cheap here by western standards but the quality is right up there also.

Would not disagree with that.

(.224 member)
21/11/10 02:36 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Does anyone have a Sabatti .577 or .600 yet ?

21/11/10 03:07 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

strangle that bird as it is blowing hot smoke in your direction, sabatti makes the rifles themselfs mostly cnc work and laser engraving, the action didnt hold up to the large calibers so the idea were scrapped, so you wont be seeing any 577 or 600 from them in this line, the 500 NE is the largest that comes from them.

but that is a very healty caliber as well



(.333 member)
21/11/10 07:28 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

My experience in dealing with EAA, European American Arms Corp., or what is now called USSG, inc, United States Sporting Goods, Inc. of Florida, over the past four or five years, has been what I would call "flaky," to say the least. They sometimes tell you one thing, and later tell you another, and they seem to not be interested in dealing with individual customers, for parts or anything, showing arrogance, and a preference to want to only deal with gunsmiths or gun dealers. Cabelas obviously bought selling rights for the Sabatti rifles EAA imports, over the first two year period of importing them, but Cabelas have been selling such huge numbers of the higher grade Sabatti DRs, that I suspect that Cabelas will extend the two years selling rights to additional years. My opinion is that this is too bad that a good quality store chain across America, Cabelas, has to work with what appears to be a rather shady company, EAA. EAA doesn't make for an improved social gun relationship with America any better either, in my opinion. Perhaps I am completely wrong on all this assessment, so if that is the case, will someone set me straight on this matter? In my opinion, the Sabatti double rifle is a very good quality modern double rifle; the best buy on the market right now, for double rirles, comparable in many ways with Chapuis, at half its cost, and I like Chapuis too, as far as a modern double rifle goes, so it is just too bad that a good firm such as Cabelas has to stoop to EAA as one of its suppliers.

(.333 member)
21/11/10 07:53 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

USSG, inc. lists the Sabatti color case hardened version 9.3x74R, and the .45/70, as does, Cabelas, in this cheaper model Sabatti, which has not sold well at all, certainly not as well as Cabelas and many of us thought that it would sell, but the deluxe model, the much better higher quality model, in .416 Rigby, .450/.400, .450, .470, .500 has sold extremely well (information from Cabelas itself). Now in the most recent Guns magazine, is an article showing and testing one of the Sabatti .45/70s, from USSG, inc, EAACorp, and supposed to be available from them, that is a smaller deluxe Sabatti model, like the aforementioned big bore deluxe model in all ways, but smaller; not listed at all on the "Flakey" Florida importer websites. Personally I never did get too excited about the cheaper color case hardened version of Sabatti, but I love the more expensive deluxe model, and found it ideal for upgrading via. custom work. The actions are of best quality modern alloy steel; workmanship is excellent. Best value for money in a very long time, as far as I can see.

(.416 member)
21/11/10 06:46 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Hi Doubleriflejack,

I agree with your last two statements. I owned a Chapuis and now own a Sabatti in .450 N.E. 3.25" and is as good as Chapuis in the way they are made. My only objections are, the recoil pad is too hard and useless (since replaced) and with my one they used ammunition not available in Australia to regulate it but the regulation load has since been sorted out by Alex Beer.

In an earlier post about being "Drilled & Tapped" the four very tiny screws hold an additional bracket onto the rib which in turn has a 3/8" dovetail !!! so I got Alex Beer to machine the rib to take Recknagel bases and now I can fit the Q.D. mounts as I wanted.

I am about to send photo's and a letter to Sabatti with what Alex Beer has done as this is "Standard" from Chapuis and use Recknagel mounts and bases.

Cheers for now,

Jeff Gray


(.416 member)
21/11/10 07:20 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


I am about to send photo's and a letter to Sabatti with what Alex Beer has done as this is "Standard" from Chapuis and use Recknagel mounts and bases.

Boy Oh Boy,,, You're trying to run Alex out of business! The 'son' might never be finished if he hears of this!

(.416 member)
21/11/10 09:33 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

Hi AkMike,

I don't think Alex would be doing them for the States and Alaska !!!! besides, it was a S..t of a job.... and as you would have read, I had to Plead with him to do it. Your a stirrer......

Cheers Mate,



(.416 member)
22/11/10 03:19 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !


Your a stirrer......

Cheers Mate,



LMAO! When ever possible!

(.400 member)
22/11/10 05:02 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

i have a purchase order for a 600 dated 2009.i was the first to place an with the jerks from EAA TOILET PAPER HAS A MORE BINDING CONTRACT THEY ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED.AND YOU will have them fix a double in trouble yea right....both cabelas and eaa should be boycotted

(.400 member)
22/11/10 07:42 PM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

^So you've been done over again?

(.300 member)
23/11/10 09:41 AM
Re: NO Sabatti .577 or .600 nitro rifles will be produced !

I wouldn't shed too many tears. I love my Sabatti in .470 NE, but even if strong enough there is no way you would want a .577 or .600 built on the standard Sabatti frame, unless you were ready to make significant modifications. Sabatti apparently uses the same action for all its deluxe double rifles in .375 and up and the guns just get lighter and lighter the bigger the bore/chamber size, pretty much the exact opposite of what you want. My .470 weighs in at 9lb 10 oz and I was quoted 9lb 6oz for the .500. In the Sabatti your best bet is probably a .450 or smaller, which should tip the scales at 10lb plus, unless you are willing to add weight and a much better recoil pad. Although a little unsightly I use a Kick-Eez rubber slip-on pad and it at least makes an hour at the range bearable.

I can only imagine how hard an even lighter .500, .577 or .600 would hit, on both ends...

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