The 9.3 is certainly a great double round. I am curious. What velocities can usually be obtained with the Woodleigh 250 gr bullet from a Double? Aside from the problem regulating a lighter bullet weight I am interested in the difference in trajectory out to 250 yds vs the 286 gr bullet. The 250 gr bullet has a SD of .28 which is still quite respectable.If it were used for plains game hunting that would involves shots at longer distances where a diiferent trajectory might matter. Sometimes several inches can meanthe difference between a poor shot or a successful hit. That begs the question of what max distance you would desire regulating such a Double at if primarily intended for plains game?100, ?150? A scope on that Double could work within those parameters.Most of my Non DG Bolt guns are zero'd at 200 to 250 yards enabling 300 yd shots. |