I’m interested in what the forum thinks;
Are there industrial glues that work in DRs?
Lots of bonding agents can deal with huge forces and temperature - many are oven cured.
Has anyone used these in a build?
I started wondering how to get Cerakote on a DR and here we are digging deeper….
Curiosity: I'm guessing that you imagining joining the barrels and/or ribs with a permanent adhesive? The lumps? This begs the question of how one would get the barrels regulated (or if need be, re regulated) if joined in such a manner?
This brings to mind the "California Rigby" double rifles of which I had read that the ribs (at least on some of them) were "glued" in place. Can you say Bodger Gunsmithing? - Mike
More or less.
As for regulation, it would be as now, held in place by another means prior to final joining. Re-regulating would be another matter.
There is nothing bodgy about a well researched and planned process, which is why I am asking.