(.300 member)
22/05/08 12:19 AM
Re: strength of Savage 311

Actually - as much as I hate to own up to such a thing - I do have "personal experience" with these guns. Quite some years back I aquired a ratty old Stevens 20 bore literally in parts. Since the barrels were a total loss I decided it'd be a good place to learn to build a DR. Ah youth, and the stupidity that goes with it!

Decided on 32Win. Spl. since I had a couple 8mm s-bore barrels laying around and the .32 is .001 smaller than the .323 bore of those barrels. I was smart enough to clamp the finished rifle to the bench and pull the trigger by cord from around the corner. Good idea as the damned thing came nearly apart. Firing pin, hammer, top of stock at wrist and a few other odds and ends were never found. Never got around to trying the second barrel.

The bolt while not letting go completely was a miserable failure even if the other parts had stayed put. Of course there's the argument that those "other parts" letting go may have been the relief valve that kept the bolt from failing completely... Who knows, I'm just glad I didn't fire it from the shoulder! Eventually I did resurect the thing as a .22LR that's been laying on a shelf for s few years, yet to be polished, blued or stocked.

So there you have it, the true life confession of a cobbler! That was some years ago and I like to think I've learned a lot since then. Rule #1 any gun with a single fastener is NOT suitable for ANYTHING it wasn't intended for and only then if its in good condition. Some latterday authorties claim a minimum of a third bite is required for any DR. Not sure I'd go THAT far but definately two and three sure wouldn't hurt!

If you'd like to take a chance on a Savage/Stevens action be my guest. Please however, do not fire it from the shoulder! From personal experience, there are many. many much better actions available. If price is THAT MUCH a factor you probably shouldn't be doing it anyway!

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