I took one of my O/U Baikals out last week. I had a three or 4 different factory loads 150gr to 180 grain. The top barrel out of the box shot high and to the right and the bottom barrel shot a little low and to the left. It would be unfair to judge the accuracy on the variety of rounds that I was shooting. I just wanted to experience shooting a double rifle. I have to say that the top barrel was quite comfortable to shoot, while the bottom barrel as a bit harsh through my tee shirt. The sights are not the easiest to see, plus the slot in the rear sight needs to be opened wider in my opinion. I am ordering 11mm rings and am going to scope the gun with a low power scope. I will use a laser sight to bring the point of impact closer befor burning through my next bunch of ammo. It should be great on boars and deer. All in all, they are a great deal for the $279.00 that I payed for them Just wanted to say that I am waiting for my SxS Baikal now. I should have it in a week. George |