Quote: Now why didn't I think of that. Hell of an idea Greg. With Buckstix experience making stuff, he should easily be able to do that himself. A lathe would be good, but a good drill press would also work. In the past, I have used carbide concrete drills to open up RCBS dies for make a neck sizing die for my 9.6x62 & .375/06IMP. I used a shortened .300H&H die and using a green wheel on the bench grinder, ground down the 3/8" carbide concrete drill to the size needed for drilling the 9.3 sizer die without annealing it. Worked like a charm and actually made a smooth cut. I used that die for 20 years. After getting a .376/06IMP made up, I made another die using a new 3/8" concrete drill for sizing, then an expander plug to get the 'right' dia. for sizing. All this stuff is coming back to me now. Where there is a will, there is a way. I now have better dies for this, but they worked. A 1/2" drill could easily be ground down to make a boring bit for the .338 Win. Mag, die. At the time I did mine, I used a 3/8" drive adjustable speed hand drill with the dies held in a 6" bench vice. |