when you looking for something special in the net you allways stumble about unexpected things like a Manufrance Rival in 405 Winchester made in 375 NE, 405 Winchester, 303 Brit and 8x50R Lebel surprisingly Dorlaec had have a similar rifle for sale once as allways beautyful restored this rifle was build with a Daudeteau action by Manufrance up to 1930 then replaced by a Mauser 98 in 10,75x68 with the same trademark. I believe the actions still on stock came to an end than. the Daudeteau startet as an military rifle once: http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20Daudeteau%20cal%208%20mm.html Manufrance made hunting rifles in 6,5x53SR Daudeteau (semi rimmed) and 8x53SR Rival -Mimard a necked up version of the original 6,5mm cartridge. this case is very close to the 7,62x54R Mosin cartridge so you can use this brass. http://iaaforum.org/forum3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11303 a pre WW1 Rival rifle the Rival mauser in 10,75x68 it seems this long stocks were quite popular in france. manufrance build also lebel sporting rifles with this stock design not to forget the mysterious Grasset in 445 Grasset Nitro Expres a cartridge still unidentified! the Manufrance Lebel - Africain the stock remember me allways on the original mauser african model |