(.470 member)
09/09/11 11:54 PM
Re: The best Mosin sporting rifle project in world history


I think a lot of the membership will love to see the finished project, I know I would. Frank

your wish is my command and the adventure continues

I visit my gunmaker today and the barrel is now officialy married with the action

just coming back from the proof house in Suhl the biggest step is taken. to my surprice, because its not in the list, Triebel Guntools in germany had have a complete set of tools - headspace gauge and chamber reamer and this was realy necessary because headspace was way out of specs.
we were talking now about the whole concept and the gunmaker have +/- 4 weeks to solder the open sights on the barrel and make the claw mount. when the scope is ready I will see it again. last step is to bent the bolt and when this is done I get the rifle in the white back home to make the stock.

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