atcom, Bienvenido y muchas gracias por la oferta!!!!, tengo las versiones digitales de varios catlogos incluyendo ese. Tens alguna escopeta Ideal?.
Warm wellcome to NE!!!!!! and thank yuo very much for the offer. I have some digital version of old catalogs. You can find them at: http://www.bm-st-etienne.fr/simclient/in...EVUE_FOREZIENNE
Scroll down and the is 5 catalogs. Do you have a Ideal shotgun?
hello martin
whats going on with your link? I got only this stuff"?��YNހ,}?J�u�=#�Ҁ�8/�<1�6� a�?��Ҁ/P�^_ M�EZ�T1@<釧�J#��PW�&#xOƀ? �J�w~��(|@_ӊ�<{c�6Ҁ"
whats the trick???