finaly I got an answer from Springer about the 10,75x52R: " danke für Ihre Anfrage. Leider haben wir keine Lagerreibahlen mehr im Bestand. Anbei aus einem alten Katalog die Auflistung der Patronen die wir in unseren Waffen gebaut haben. Ladedaten hat vielleicht die Fa.Waffen Dorfner in Wien; zu finden im Internet. Hoffe damit gedient zu haben und verbleibe mfg Christian Johann Springer Joh. Springer's Erben Handels GmbH Sitz: Josefsgasse 10, 1080 Wien, Austria " thank you for your inquiry. sorry to say we dont have a chamber reamer in our house anymore. with this mail sending you a scan from an old catalog with the cartridges we have used in our rifles. maybe the firm Waffen Dorfner in vienna have the loading data for this cartridge. regards Christian Johann Springer Sic transit gloria mundi here is the scan, must have been printed after march 1925 because price is in schilling, also the mannlicher schoenauer is to have in 7x64, 8x60 and 30 06 ![]() also got an e-mail from Sodia/Salzburg that they dont have anything about the 11,15mm M 95 rifle anymore I think one problem of three is solved. I keep the 10,75x52R springer as a future project in mind for a Mannlicher M 95 sporter some day. Till then having enough time to find the muzzle velocity and maybe max. pressure for this round. also interesting for Jackel, they build rifles in 9x63 Florstedt, another catalog showing this round http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=142974&page=0&fpart=1&vc=1 and the rare 9x63R also |