the last problem for this day there exist one or more M 1886 Lebel sporting rifles in 445 Grasset Nitro express. What I know is that Grasset was a gunmaker in Paris around 1914. this pic shows a simple sporterized military rifle. ![]() New short barrel, the original fore-end with magazine cut for holding maybe 4-5 rounds in the tubular magazine. .445 is the bullet diameter measured in inch of the 11x59R Gras cartridge. The lebel rifle is always of special interest for me because if you ask if I have my first rifle: Yes. It was a world war relict without stock and a bulge in the barrel that I have got in the age of 14. The rifle was cleaned, stocked and when times have changed years ago now it was legalized. ![]() I believe that Grasset used the 11x59R Gras case and make a full power nitro round from this again in similar way like August Schüler in Suhl created the 11,2x60 from the 11,15x60R mauser . This cartridge was maybe similar to the WW 1 11x59R Vickers, simply a nitro loaded Gras cartridge with full metal jacket for heavy machine guns. The lebel action with his tubular magazine is a similar problem like a mannlicher magazine. The cartridge needs similar length and base/rim diameter like the 8x50R Lebel round to work in this. ![]() 8x50R Lebel military load 8x50R Lebel handload 11x59R Gras 11x59R Vickers 11,15x60 R Mauser 11,2x60 Schueler The Gras case was the mother case for the 8mm Lebel, they differ only because the Gras have the Mauser A base rim. In all it would make a simple work to change the Gras rim or the Lebel bolt head. The 11mm Gras and the Vickers cartridge working in the lebel action but the Vickers with the short bullet will make problems in the magazine. ![]() ![]() If Grasset have load his cartridge with Gras brass the oal was like the 8mm Lebel Round. It must have been a full metal and also a softpoint load in the 10,75x68 Mauser class and I think was available only as a handload in Grasset’s shop. No question that it never had a chance against the Mauser M 98 |