Farquharson actions are very strong, and work flawlessly. I never got used to the lines on them though. There an acquired taste, similar to my 599 GTB F1.
Ah yes, an acquired taste like the 1965 Ford Fairlane POS I used to own. Gave it up, just too ostentatious for the neighborhood, were everyone else took the bus. However, it had a much larger trunk than the McLaren F1 I replaced it with. So nice for hauling my covey of Purdeys, Holland & Holland, and Rigbys to my private shooting lodge where my 'man' would reload for me. Of course I let him drive the Roller to haul the trailer with the guns, the tables and linen, and the post-shooting Dom Perignon. I must give those up too one day, wouldn't want to be thought of as too showy on the forums, you know, eh what? Dave