I came across someones post that Cornell publishing was a source for copies of the early Lyman reloading manuals. I was able to order all three of the ones I was missing and in one of them there was an article about the 303 that Lyman was interested enough in to devote a couple of pages in the manual in some depth. Well that put a bee in my bonnet to start looking around for a mold. After looking for a few years I was crusin flee bay and lo and behold here was and Ideal mold in very good shape up for sale. I only took me 30 seconds to hit the buy me now button. It turns out some very nice cast bullet that I use both in the mag and the special.
And just as luck would have it, MP Molds put out a group buy last year of almost the exact design for the S&W 500. I jumped on that also and I am using it over Black in my 12,7 X 44R Swede roller. What a hoot.