I bought my powder from a gentleman on the castboolits site. Smoke4320 is his user name. There are users there whom have shot thoudands of PC rounds with his powder with no more wear than using jacketed and most attest to it being more gentle on the bore than jacketed. Some claim better accuracy with PC while others say their lubed bullets are more accurate. They must be accurate enough as I see many competitive shooters posting their satisfaction with the PC rounds. I guess the point is that you are able to push velocities with cast bullets near or at that which you would with jacketed but without copper deposits or, as in my case, are able to shoot your cast bullet of choice at normal cast speed without the need for lubing and with zero leading in the bore. Since I don't own a lubesizer, the cost so far has been much less than if I were to go the lubesizer route and then the added fun of multi colored bullets which will help keep the wife and kids' interest is a bonus. Also, I read one competitive pistol shooter remark that there was considerably less smoke from the gun with PC bullets and these bullets must be shedding no lead particles as they leave the barrel. Recovered bullets show that the color stays adhered to the bullet so I am willing to accept that PC bullets could be less hazardous to use than lubed when it comes to lead particulates in the air. I don't know if this will take the shooting world by storm, but it certainly is an interesting concept. And for you guys worried about having to make pink bullets, there is a clear powder too... |