Chuck Adams is quite possible the best know bowhunter in the world today. He has more Pope & Young record book entries and more world records than any other archer by far. He has been the brunt of a lot of bad press (as is any successful hunter these days) with claims that he is a bit of a jerk. I had the pleasure of meting him last year.....and nothing could be further from the truth. He was an honest, even hunmble speaker. A true stand up guy. He has made a living offf of hunting, writing and endorsements. And he did all of this with his own hard work. He hunts most often self guided and by himself. He is back in Pittsburgh this week for a convention and I hope to make time to see him again. Any way, this past archery elk season he took another world record elk! Breaking his own world record from a few seasons ago. Here is a picture of that bull on the reflex bow web site (the bow he used is called "caribou" if you wonder why the picture says this when the mouse pauses on it) Chuck Adams Pending World Record Elk Click on the Chuck Adams link to see all of his big bulls from the past few years. Including his previous (actually current WR 2000 bull until the 2003 bull is official) world record. Chuck Adams |