I think very few today, modern guns and ammo is so powerful most time the game is allready dead when you find it and otherwise you get two handguns on your hunting licence so a pistol / revolver is used many time times to kill wounded game finally. modern times modern blades, today you get everything from everywhere https://www.messerworld.de/outdoormesser/jagdmesser?p=6 sometimes still called Hirschfänger https://www.messerworld.de/muela/hirschfaenger-ii-bw-24s.html but short for a real Hirschfänger hunter with a pack of hounds specialised on wild boar will use the blade sometimes when there is now chance to shoot into the bundle of hounds and a wildboar but they prefer big knives with stronger blades like this https://messervertrieb-rottner.de/produkte/hubertus-hunter/ the traditional everyday knife of a german hunter is the Jagdnicker something like this https://messervertrieb-rottner.de/produkte/hubertus-jagdnicker/ I prefer a multitool pocket knife and many other too the Hirschfänger survive as a jubilee present https://www.vereinsbedarf-deitert.de/hirschfaenger-fuer-schuetzen-made-in-solingen/ and as part of the traditional shooter uniform will look to france, the old style parforce hunt on red deer is still legal there so it may happen |