Ron told me he made it on a bet against a fellow with a Browning round wheel compound. The bet was Ron could make a straight ended bow shoot as fast as that fellow's compound. Ron won the bet - but it was a bit flighty. It's best speed was 235fps with a 2014 - I might have been drawing 29" then. I think the bow as only 64 pounds at 28". I bought the bow from Ron at the Brownsville Safari - back in 1992, I think it was - maybe 93. My wife also bought one of his bows at the same shoot. That was the Safari before the Sooke Safari where my wife beat 514 archers out of 520 total - yeah - me too - and Taylor. What a gal. Ron built her a bow just for winning that one. He inscribed it, Good Shooting Tracy The closest woman to her score was 179 points behind. She beat me by 72 points. |